
Amanda du Pont and Zareef Minty Plan To Take StartX Global

Actress and social star Amanda du Pont who holds the role of Chief Executive Officer and Forbes 30 under 30 list-maker and businessman Zareef Minty who holds the role of Chief Operations Officer plan to take the fintech company StartX international.

We sat down with the duo for a powerful Q&A about the company and their plans for the future:

  1. What is your vision for StartX? 

To create the utopia for entrepreneurs, advisors and investors by increasing the number of successful businesses. This is directly eradicate the statistic where 80% of SMMEs fail within the first three years of operation.

  1. How did you come up with the name? 

The company first considered Fund It as a possible name however we then decided on Start X which means you start from where you are, you are X. Its motivational and well suited for the market we are in.

  1. What are some of the challenges you are facing currently in the company?

Our biggest challenge right now is brand growth. Anything new or innovative will take some time to be recognised by the entire market.

  1. How does StartX benefit your everyday entrepreneur? 

Entrepreneurs will have access to investors and advisors like never before. We also have the best advisors and mentors for entrepreneurs. If an entrepreneur has a great concept or idea but it’s not investment ready, the entrepreneur can book an advisor to assist the entrepreneur, we also have a superstar advisor team with extremely high profile advisors.

  1. Why have you guys decided to take StartX global? 

The world needs StartX. We see the company as the global solution to rectify the many challenges small business and entrepreneurs face on a daily basis.

  1. What is the ultimate goal for StartX?

We want to build a legacy, a company that is sustainable. We want to positively impact the lives of millions of entrepreneurs all around the world.

  1. What is the one quote that the company lives by? 

“The Success Ecosystem”


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