Emoji reactions are a quick way to reply to people’s stories or status updates. The feature is available on platforms like Instagram and allow users to show reactions to particular updates like love, anger or sadness with a quick emoji rather than text. This is also much faster than replying via text and manually sending an emoji.
WhatsApp, one of the most widely used communication platforms, didn’t have the feature. However that could change soon. The ‘Quick Reactions’ feature will allow users to react to status updates (WhatsApp’s version of the Stories feature) with emoji. These include emoji like folded hands, claps, party popper and more. We currently don’t know if the list of emoji will be preset or if users will be able to customise the emoji they use most frequently.
As per the report, there will be 8 emoji to choose from when reacting to a status update. These can be seen in a screenshot shared by the publication. Check it out below.